Ronald Pickard is a dedicated servant of the people, deeply committed to transforming the US Virgin Islands as the next Congressional Delegate in the upcoming 2024 election. As a proud Virgin Islander, he is driven by a profound love for his community and a vision of a better future for its residents. With hands-on experience running a small family-owned business, Ronald understands firsthand the challenges businesses face without affordable and reliable power, which regrettably affects even the elderly population. That’s why he is dedicated to addressing critical issues such as energy, infrastructure, water and food supply chains, and education for the youth.

Through his radio talk show on Radio 1000 AM, Ronald actively listens to the concerns of residents, ensuring every voice is heard. Whether it’s a youth seeking better educational opportunities, a small business striving for success, or a family navigating everyday challenges, he is committed to uplifting every member of the community. With a background in Criminal Justice and a Capstone Master’s in Criminal Law, Ronald upholds the highest standards of integrity and transparency. He will tirelessly advocate for government accountability in public spending to ensure taxpayers’ dollars and federal funding are used effectively. Together, Ronald believes in building a brighter future for the US Virgin Islands, where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and lead a fulfilling life.